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Official Signup

Official Signup

When you’re happy to start using Zoom Courier Software for your live business, the following are overall guidelines for you:

  1. Make sure that you are happy with our pricing and that you understand 3rd party costs for SMS and Maps API – SEE HERE
  2. Sign up for a Google API account, create your API key and save it to the corresponding field in the settings page in your admin dashboard.

    The question mark icon next to the input field contains detailed instructions on how to obtain and configure the required API key. The same instructions can also be found at the bottom of this page.
  3. Once you have this in place, please contact your account manager in Zoom and request an official signup. You will be provided with a link to insert your payment card details for monthly billing. Once your payment method has been inserted, you are officially live.

Obtaining a Google API Key

1) Create Project

2) Enabling Billing

3) Enabling APIs

4) Creating API Keys